Prep I

  • 3.8 years to 4.8 years
  • Adult Child Ratio - 1:10
  • Morning 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Mid Morning 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM
  • Transportation Available

Prep I Program

Our Prep I children expand their explorations from the school to the neighborhood and beyond. They move with greater control over their body, they familiarize themselves with complex shapes, patterns, shades in colors, and they start to understand about time and weather. 

With our thematic curriculum approach for these children, learning for them tends to be more natural and less fragmented. It allows literacy to grow progressively. Numeracy, literacy, vocabulary, spelling and sentence writing is introduced. Themes are based on children’s needs, interest and developmental level.

By year end, these children are able to read and write basics and able to converse in English. They know about the environment like rain, sunshine, clouds and also develop a sense of time.  They also continue honing their French and Hindi language skills.