11 Things I wish I could tell myself
As a parent I see a lot of myself in my kids today. I believe most of us as children must have given a tough parenting experience (I use the word “experience” due to the services sector I come from) and hence thought to share the below tit bits
11 Things I would tell myself if I had a time machine to travel back and meet myself when I was 12 years old…
1) Be happy with what you have, your parents are really working very hard to make your life comfortable.
2) Love your parents for what they are, hug them, sleep on their lap as you will never outgrow their love
3) Make Good Friends, they will be your support system for a long time
4) Pick a physical endurance sport, your health will determine your lifestyle
5) Study Hard, the world is competitive and your scores will help you
6) Its ok to have failures from life, try harder every time you fail
7) Pray daily, it will help you to be at peace
8) Help your friends unconditionally
9) Read as much as you can this will help you improve your imagination
10) Have a hobby; pursue this with all passion
11) If something doesn’t go your way don’t worry it is highly in-significant
Parent of Shreshthali (Playgroup)
Shreyas Bhosale